Padmabhooshan Vasantraodada Patil Institute of Technology

1. Name of Laboratory Computer Lab
2. Area of Laboratory 115.23 sq.m
3. Laboratory In charge Prof. S. S. Jadhav
4. Laboratory Assistant Miss. S.R.Rajput
5. Laboratory Investment Rs.36,82,126=00
6. List of Laboratory Major Equipments
1. Computer – 60
2. Software – STRUDD 2008,ESR-GSR,Build-Master ,Steel –Master, Road Master, ETAB-SAP
3. LCD Projector – 03
4. Scanner – 01
5. Printer – 06
1. Name of Laboratory Material testing
2. Area of Laboratory 76.82 Sq.m
3. Laboratory In charge Mrs.Y.M.Pudale
4. Laboratory Assistant Mr.H.B.Patil
5. Laboratory Investment Rs.10,10,280.00
6. List of Laboratory Major Equipments
1. Computerized Universal Testing Machine—(100 tone)
2. Impact Testing Machine
3. Hardness Testing Machine
4. Torsion Testing Machine
5. Fatigue Testing Machine
1. Name of Laboratory Surveying
2. Area of Laboratory 66.00
3. Laboratory In charge Prof. S.B.Mohite
4. Laboratory Assistant Mrs. K.M.Javir
5. Laboratory Investment Rs.21,56,487.00
6. List of Laboratory Major Equipments
1. Total Station (sokkia -02, DX- Pentax Make-01 )
2. Digital Planimeter
3. Auto level
4. Theodolite
5. Dumpy Level
1. Name of Laboratory Geo Tech Engineering
2. Area of Laboratory 90.00 Sq.m
3. Laboratory In charge Prof. S.M.Patil
4. Laboratory Assistant Miss. S.R.Rajput
5. Laboratory Investment Rs.6,09,455=00
6. List of Laboratory Major Equipments
1. Box Shear Test Apparatus
2. California Bearing Ratio Test Apparatus
3. Unconfined Compressive Strength Test Apparatus
4. Triaxial Shear Strength Test Apparatus
5. Consolidation Test Apparatus
6. Standard Penetration Test Apparatus
7. Permeability Test Apparatus
8. Relative Density Test Apparatus
1. Name of Laboratory Environmental Engg.
2. Area of Laboratory 90.00 Sq.m
3. Laboratory In charge Prof.V.T.Gaikwad
4. Laboratory Assistant Miss. S.R.Rajput
5. Laboratory Investment Rs.6,82,491=00
6. List of Laboratory Major Equipments
1. Digital Turbidity Meter
2. Digital PH Meter
3. Distilled water plant
4. Digital Conductivity Meter
5. Digital Spectro Photo Meter
6. COD Digester
7. Auto Clave
8. Hot Air Oven
9. Digital Incubator
10. Respirable Dust Sampler
1. Name of Laboratory Fluid Mechanics Lab
2. Area of Laboratory 90.00 Sq.m
3. Laboratory In charge Prof.A.S.Ingale
4. Laboratory Assistant Mr.N.G.Patil
5. Laboratory Investment Rs.5,35,550.00
6. List of Laboratory Major Equipments
1. Minor Losses in Pipe
2. Major Losses in Pipe
3. Francis Turbine
4. Kaplan Turbine
5. Kaplan Turbine
6. Orifice Plate
7. Pelton Wheel Turbine
8. Metacentric Height
9. Reynolds Number
10. Mouth Piece
11. Tilting Flume
1. Name of Laboratory Concrete Technology
2. Area of Laboratory 117 .10Sq.m
3. Laboratory In charge Prof.N.P.Phadtare
4. Laboratory Assistant Mr.H.B.Patil
5. Laboratory Investment Rs.4,55,766=00
6. List of Laboratory Major Equipments
1. Compression Testing Machine (200 tone)
2. Tile Testing Machine
3. Concrete rebound Hammer
4. Ultra Sonic Pulse Velocity
5. Aggregate Impact Test Apparatus
1. Name of Laboratory Transport. Engg
2. Area of Laboratory 117.10 Sq.m
3. Laboratory In charge Prof.S.S.Mane
4. Laboratory Assistant Mr.H.B.Patil
5. Laboratory Investment Rs.2,38,214.00
6. List of Laboratory Major Equipments
1. Ductility Test Apparatus
2. Stripping Value Test Apparatus
3. Beckalman Beam
4. Los Angles Abrasion Testing Machine
5. Flash & Fire point Apparatus
6. Standard Tar Viscometer
1. Name of Laboratory Geology
2. Area of Laboratory 50.00 Sq.m
3. Laboratory In charge Prof.P.T.Patil
4. Laboratory Assistant Mr.N.G.Patil
5. Laboratory Investment Rs.1,27,019.00
6. List of Laboratory Major Equipments
1. Petrological Microscope
2. Earth Resistivity Meter
3. Mirror Stereoscopes with Telescope
4. Mirror Stereoscopes with Binocular
1. Name of Laboratory Applied Mechanics
2. Area of Laboratory 66.00
3. Laboratory In charge Mr.A.A.Kusnale
4. Laboratory Assistant Mrs.K.M.Javir
5. Laboratory Investment Rs.75,835.00
6. List of Laboratory Major Equipments
1. Universal Force Table
2. Simple Jib Crane
3. Bell Crank Lever
4. Simply Supported Beam
5. Fletcher’s Trolley
6. Centrifugal Force Apparatus
7. Bending of Beam Apparatus
8. Parallel Force Apparatus
9. Law of Moments Apparatus
10. Polygon of Force Apparatus