Padmabhooshan Vasantraodada Patil Institute of Technology



Name of FacultyNature of publication
Title of paper

ACADEMIC YEAR: 2016-2017

Name of Faculty

Nature of publication

Title of paper



R. D. Patil


A Review Of Accelerometer Based 3d Virtual Glove For Robot Using Arm


July 2016



Innovative Method for Iris Melanoma Detection


Sept. 2016



Accelerometer Based 3D Virtual Glove for Robot Using ARM


Dec 2016

A. B. Shinde


Design and Implementation of PID Controller for Single Capacity Tank


Nov 2016

ACADEMIC YEAR: 2015-2016

Name of Faculty

Nature of publication

Title of paper



R. D. Patil


Novel Approach of Diagnosis of Brain Diseases by Using Mixed Scheme on MRI and CT Images


October 2015


Design and Implementation of Wireless Sensor Node using Programmable System on Chip


September 2015


Designing Multi Sensor Embedded System using Programmable System on Chip (PSoC)


August 2015


Remote Video Monitoring System using S3C2440 and GPRS


June 2015


Face and Thumb Recognition by Image Fusion and Stego Image using DWT and LSB Technique

ICCCES-16, RIT, Sakharale

January 2016


Detection of IRIS Melanoma in Human EYE

ICCCES-16, RIT, Sakharale

January 2016


Robust Technique for Human Identification based on Face and Gait Biometrics for Security System

ICCCES-16, RIT, Sakharale

January 2016


A Review on PAPR Reduction Techniques for OFDM Multicarrier System

ICCCES-16, RIT, Sakharale



Multimodal Biometric Fusion for Authentication

NCETETA-2016,  DYPCOE, Kolhapur

January 2016


Innovative Method for Detection of Iris Melanoma in Human Eye

NCETETA-2016,  DYPCOE, Kolhapur

January 2016


Robust Technique for Human Identification based on Face and Gait Biometrics for Security System

NCETETA-2016,  DYPCOE, Kolhapur

January 2016

S. N. Patil


A New LMS for Beam forming in mobile communication





Combining algorithm for Automatic detection of diabetic retinopathy





New Approach of MA Detection & Grading Using Different Classifiers


January 2016



Design Of Algorithm For The Epileptic Seizure Classification Using Time-Frequency Analysis Of Eeg Signals





Resolution and Brightness  of  Satellite enhancement images based on DWT & SVD


May  2016



Satellite image  resolution  enhancement using Discrete Wavelet Transform


April 2016



Robust System for Patient Specific Classification of ECG Signal Using PCA and Neural Network



K. P. Paradeshi


Face and picture face detection recognition technique


August 2015



Review on Latest Multichannel EEG Acquisition and Artifact Filtering Methods


January 2016



Skin color information and Haar feature based Face Detection


February 2016



Review on Removal of Ocular Artifact from Multichannel EEG Signal


March 2016



Recognition of Real or Picture Face Using Skin Color Detection and Depth Map Information


April 2016



Design of effective algorithm for Removal of Ocular Artifact from Multichannel EEG Signal Using ICA and Wavelet Method



A. B. Shinde


PID based temperature controller


May 2016



Control Valve Coefficient Testing


Nov 2015

K. K. Pandyaji


Best Fit Wavelet Function for Path Loss Prediction in Wireless Communication System


February 2016

Department of Electronics Engineering :: Achievements


Achievement 2015-16


Sr. No

Name of the student Name of the activity Prize/Participation
Shriprabha Waychal Block Warrior Secured 2nd Prize
Akshay Revankar Block Warrior Secured 2nd Prize
Ugare Diksha Paper presentation (NIRMITI) Secured 2nd Prize
Jadhav Gouri Paper presentation (NIRMITI) Secured 2nd Prize
Shegane Radha Paper presentation (NIRMITI) Secured 2nd Prize


Achievement 2014-15

Class Name of The Student Percentage / Grade (%)
F.E Ms. Patil Sayali S. 76.00
S.E Ms. Jadhav Sneha M. 74.64
T.E. Ms.Joshi Harsha 78.06
B.E Ms. Nidoni Bibiaaisha 82.44


Achievement 2013-14

Class Name of The Student Percentage / Grade (%)
F.E Patil Amruta A. 72.21
S.E Ms. Joshi Harsha 80.94
T.E. Ms. Patil Sonal S. 74.81
B.E Ms. Shaha Shreya 74.94



Achievement 2012-13

Class Name of The Student Percentage / Grade (%)
F.E Kale Shashank Vikram 73.19
S.E Patil Sukanya Sadashiv 78.5
B.E Patil (Shinde) Archana A. 76


Academic Achievement 2011-12

Class Name of The Student Percentage / Grade (%)
F.E Patil Sukanya Sadashiv 82
S.E Gauraje Suraj Mallappa 76.94
T.E. Patil (Shinde) Archana A. 71.81
B.E Patil Aniket V. 74.7


Academic Achievement 2010-11

Class Name of The Student Percentage / Grade (%)
F.E Gauraje Suraj 78
S.E Shinde Archana 71.75
T.E. Terwadkar Ketaki 69.38
B.E Balgurgi Pooja 75.75


Students achievement in Inter Institute Events
Achievement 2014-2015

Sr No Name of Event Date Name of Student Recognition/ Award
received , if any
1. ENTHUSE 12th &13th Sept.2014 Snehal Koshti Secured 2nd Prize
2. ENTHUSE 12th &13th Sept.2014 Harsha Joshi Secured 2nd Prize
3. Pro-Wizard 27th & 28th Sept.2014 Ruksar Mestri Winner
4. Pro-Wizard 27th & 28th Sept.2014 Sonal Patil Winner
(Paper presentation)
26th & 27th Sept.2014 Aditi Tingare Secured 3rd Prize
6. YUGAM 2K15 Ruksar Mestri Winner(2nd )
7. Nirmiti (Paper Presentation) 21st Feb.2015 Ruksar Mestri Secured 2nd Prize
8. Nirmiti (Paper Presentation) 21st Feb.2015 Sonal Patil Secured 2nd Prize
9. Technical Symposium
28th Feb 2015 Vishakha Mane Secured 1st Prize
10. Technical Symposium
28th Feb 2015 Shubhangi Mali Secured 1st Prize
11. Technical Symposium
28th Feb 2015 Swapnali Ghatage Secured 1st Prize
(Project Competition)
13th March 2015 Akshay Bhoyar Secured 3rd Prize
(Project Competition)
13th March 2015 Shruti Borgave Secured 3rd Prize
14. Navapravartya
(Project Competition)
20th March 2015 Akshay Bhoyar Secured 3rd Prize
15. Navapravartya
(Project Competition)
20th March 2015 Bamane Omkar Secured 3rd Prize
16. Nirmiti (Paper Presentation) 21st Feb.2015 Shegane Radha Secured 1st Prize
17. International Journal Of Innovative Research Technology(IJIRT) Vol.1 Issue 11 April 2015 Akshay Bhoyar International Paper published
18. International Journal Of Innovative Research Technology(IJIRT) Vol.1 Issue 11 April 2015 Shruti Borgave International Paper published


Achievement 2013-2014

Sr No Name of Event Date Name of Student Recognition/ Award
received , if any
1. Tech-Symposium
(Paper presentation)
15 March 2014 Priyanka Vaddikar, Sonal Patil; Winner.
5 &6 March 2014 Rahul Chavan, Pravin Pandhare, Amit Bhosale; Secured 1st Prize
3. Paper presentation (NIRMITI) 21st Feb.2014 Ruksar Mestri, Sonal Patil; Secured 1st Prize
4. Micro-Act
20th Feb.2014 Sonal Patil, Sukanya Patil; Secured 2nd Prize
5. Micro-Act
20th Feb.2014 Prajkta Patil, Priti Patil; Secured 1st Prize
6. Robo-Galaxy Harsha Joshi Winner
7. Quiz –Hub (NIRMITI) 21st Feb. 2014 Vandana Nejkar Winner
8. ELECTRA(Image Perception) 7th Sept.2013 Bhoyar Akshay Secured 2nd Prize



Students achievement in Inter Institute Events
Achievement 2012-2013

Sr No Name of Event Name of Student Organized By Recognition/ Award
received , if any
1. Micro-Act (NIRMITI) Mr. Sushant Tapkire PVPIT,Budhgaon Secured 2nd Prize
2. Paper presentation (NIRMITI) Mr. Sushant Tapkire PVPIT,Budhgaon Secured 3rd Prize
3. Abhirath Mr. Sushant Tapkire JJMCOE,Jaysingpur Secured 1st Prize
4. Impulse Mr. Sushant Tapkire DYPCOE,Kolhapur Secured 1st Prize
5. Reflex Mr. Sushant Tapkire AMGOI,Vadgaon Secured 1st Prize
6. Code War Mr.Vineet Gajendragadakar DKTE,Ichalkaranji Secured 1st Prize
7. Impulse Mr.Vineet Gajendragadakar DYPCOE,Kolhapur Secured 1st Prize
8. Code War Mr.Sujeet Vhanawade DKTE,Ichalkaranji Secured 1st Prize
9. Abhirath Mr.Sujeet Vhanawade JJMCOE,Jaysingpur Secured 1st Prize


Achievement 2011-2012

Sr No Name of Event Name of Student Organized By Recognition/ Award
received , if any
1. Paper presentation (NIRMITI) Mr. Shreepad Kavathekar PVPIT,Budhgaon Secured 1st Prize
2. Paper presentation (NIRMITI) Mr. Mukul Kulkarni PVPIT,Budhgaon Secured 1st Prize
3. Paper presentation (NIRMITI) Mr. Sushant Tapkire PVPIT,Budhgaon Secured 2nd Prize
4. Paper presentation (NIRMITI) Miss. Sneha Nirmale PVPIT,Budhgaon Secured 2nd Prize
5. Code War Miss. Leena Shinde PVPIT,Budhgaon Secured 3rd Prize
6. Paper presentation (NIRMITI) Miss. Amruta Chavan PVPIT,Budhgaon Secured 3rd Prize
7. Design Spark (NIRMITI) Ms.Shital Patil PVPIT,Budhgaon Secured Runner up


Achievement 2010-2011

Sr No Name of Event Name of Student Organized By Recognition/ Award
received , if any
1. Paper presentation (NIRMITI) Miss. Tejal Sanabe PVPIT,Budhgaon Secured 2nd Prize
2. Paper presentation (NIRMITI) Miss. Pratibha Randive PVPIT,Budhgaon Secured 2nd Prize
3. Quiz Hub (NIRMITI) Mr.Suraj Gauraje PVPIT,Budhgaon Winner


Staff Publications in 2014-15

Sr. No. Name Name Of Paper International/
Proceeding Name
1.. J. A. Shaikh Hybrid Fingerprint matching algorithm for high accuracy and reliability INJ IJRET August-2014
Advanced authentication and security system for call center employees with live GPS tracking INJ IJAREEIE July 2014
2. B. S. Patil Securing Many-To-Many Wireless Sensor Networks With Unique Dynamic Key INJ IJMTER Jan-2015
3. R. D. Patil Implementation of modified hybrid SLM-PTS scheme and other SLM-PTS hybrid schemes for PAPR reduction on OFDM system. INJ IJAREEIE July -2014
4. S. N. Patil Removal of Mixed Noise in Images using Hybrid Method INJ IJSRD Nov- 2014
Grape leaf diseases detection classification and analysis by using spatial gray level dependence matrices INJ IJAERD Sept- 2014
Automatic detection of micro aneurism using combination of different algorithm INJ IJCEA Aug- 2014
5. K. K. Pandyaji Design of Neuro-Controller INJ IJIRT April – 2015
6. A. B. Shinde Shirorekha Extraction in Character Segmentation for Printed Devanagari Text in Document Image Processing NC INDICON 2014 Dec – 2014
Real Time Number Plate Recognition for Indian Vehicles (RTNPR) INJ IJIRT May 2015
Design of Neuro-Controller INJ IJIRT April 2015
7. J.A. Ukirade Study of ECG signal using Matlab and Wavelet INJ IJIRT April 2015
8. A. G. Katkar Removal of Mixed Noise in Images using Hybrid Method INJ IJSRD Nov 2014
9. A. S. Bhandare Wireless Fingerprint Based Attendance System using Zigbee Technology INJ IJIRT May 2015
Securing MANET against Cooperative Black Hole Attack and its performance Analysis: A Case Study INC ICCUBEA Feb 2015
10.. S. S. Shah Real Time Number Plate Recognition for Indian Vehicles (RTNPR) IJIRT IJIRT May 2015
Design of Neuro-Controller INJ IJIRT April 2015
11. R. S. Anande Real Time Number Plate Recognition for Indian Vehicles (RTNPR) INJ IJIRT May 2015

Staff Publications in 2013-14

Sr. No. Name Name Of Paper International/
Proceeding Name
1 J. A. Shaikh Implementation of fusion in multimodal biometric recognition system using IRIS & PALM NC NC-EMPIRE 2014 March 2014
2 B. S. Patil Modified AODV Protocol to prevent MANET Against Black hole attack and its performance analysis INJ IJETE August 2013
Securing MANET against insider attack-A black hole attack & its performance analysis INJ IJCP August 2013
Secure Data Transmission Using Indiscriminate Data Paths For Stagnant Destination in MANET INJ IJASTR Mar-April 2014
3. R. D. Patil Real time target tracking with manual controlled unmanned Air vehicle INC ICST-2K14 February 2014
Image acquisition, compression and decompression using ARM9 INC IBSS_ICETRET March 2014
Image acquisition, compression and decompression using ARM9 INJ IJPRET May-2014
Quad copter (UAVs) for border security with GUI system INJ IJPRET December 2013
Real time target surveillance with an autonomous/manual controlled unmanned Air vehicle INJ IJPRET January 2014
Real time target surveillance with an autonomous/manual controlled unmanned Air vehicle NC LATEST-2014 February  2014
4. S. N. Patil Hybrid algorithm based denoising of image INJ IJCEA June 2014
    Grape leaf diseases detection and analysis using SGDM matrix method INJ IJIRCCE March 2014
Grape leaf diseases detection and analysis using CCM method INJ IJCEA May 2014
5. K. P. Paradeshi Image compression by EZW algorithm by combining Huffman and arithmetic encoder INJ IJCET IAEME

June 2013

6 K. K. Pandyaji Site specific path loss prediction model for Indoor area INJ IJEERT June 2014
7 A. B. Shinde Design of PID controller using various methods NC NC-EMPIRE 2014 March 2014
8 S.N.Kale Image acquisition, compression and decompression using ARM9 NC IBSS_ICETRET March 2014
Image acquisition, compression and decompression using ARM9 INJ IJPRET May 2014
9 S. S. Shah Design of PID controller using various methods NC NC-EMPIRE 2014 March 2014
10 J. A. Ukirade Digital ECG and its Analysis NC NCPCAM-2013 December 2013
11. A. S. Bhandare Modified AODV Protocol to prevent MANET Against Black hole attack and its performance analysis INJ IJETE August 2013
Securing MANET against insider attack-A black hole attack & its performance analysis INJ IJCP August 2013
12. A. G. Katkar Hybrid algorithm based denoising of image INJ IJCEA June 2014

Staff Publications in 2012-13

Sr. No. Name Name Of Paper International/
Proceeding Name
1. J. A. Shaikh Realization of disaster communication network using combination of different wireless
National NCETET-13 18th & 19th Feb 2013
2. R. D. Patil Face recognition based on 2D DWT and 2D PCA National NCETET-13 18th & 19th Feb 2013
3D VLSI Technology National NCETET-13 18th & 19th Feb 2013
Performance analysis of different inverse filter design Techniques National NCETET-13 18th & 19th Feb 2013
3. S. N. Patil Medical Image Fusion using an effective wavelet based method National NCETET-13 18th & 19th Feb 2013
    Routing protocol for MANETs National NCETET-13 18th & 19th Feb 2013
4 K. P. Paradeshi Medical Image Fusion using an effective wavelet based method National NCETET 18th & 19th Feb 2013
Real Time Palm print Identification Technique-Effective Biometric Identification
International Journal International Journal of Societal Applications of Computer Science, vol
1 Issue 1
November 2012
5. K. K. Pandyaji Underwater sensor networks: challenges and applications National NCETET-13 18th & 19th Feb 2013
6. A. B. Shinde 3D VLSI Technology National NCETET-13 18th & 19th Feb 2013
7. Mrs. S. N. Kale Face recognition based on 2D DWT and 2D PCA National NCETET-13 18th & 19th Feb 2013
8. Ms. A. S. Bhandare Black hole attack in AODV- a case study of MANET (Mobile ADHOC network) National NCETET-13 18th & 19th Feb 2013
Study of Protocols (AODV, DSR) of MANET and a black hole attack in AODV International NCETET 22nd Feb 2013
9. S.S.Shah High dynamic range image acquisition National NCETET-13 18th & 19th Feb 2013
10. Ms. A. G. Katkar Medical Image Fusion using an effective wavelet based method National NCETET-13 18th & 19th Feb 2013
11. A. V. Datar Performance analysis of different inverse filter design Techniques National NCETET-13 18th & 19th Feb 2013
12. B. S. Patil Optimized & Secure Audio Signography for hiding secret information-Review International Journal IOSR Journal-IOSR_JMCE Feb 2013


Staff Publications in 2011-122

Sr. No. Name Name Of Paper International/
Proceeding Name
1. R. D. Patil VGA board using ARM Controller International Journal IJETAE Journal”, Volume 2, Issue 5/64, May 2012 20th May 2012
2. S. N. Patil VGA board using ARM Controller International Journal IJETAE Journal”, Volume 2, Issue 5/64, May 2012 20th May 2012
3. Mrs. S. N. Kale ARM based Embedded Remote Health Monitoring System International Conference ICEEE-2011 IRNet, Nagpur 22-23 Oct. 2011
4. Ms. A. S. Bhandare Performance Analysis of MANET under Blackhole Attack National ITECH VISTA-2012 Feb 2012
MANET under black hole attack National NCOAT NIRMITI-2012 2nd & 3rd March 2012
5. K. P. Paradeshi Comparison of LDM and LMS for an application of speech International Journal SPIJ International Journal, Volume 5, Issue 4 Sept. / Oct. 2011
6. B. S. Patil An efficient approach in next generation mobile system for managing global roaming
& mobility
National DKTE Ichalkaranji 22nd & 23rd Sept. 2011


Staff Publication in 2010-11

Sr. No. Name Name Of Paper International/
Proceeding Name
1. B. S. Patil High quality voice transmission of 3G & 4G wireless technologies International Journal IJMRAE, Volume-2, no. 2 1st July 2010
Retransmission Stegenography in handeling oversized IP packets International Journal IJCTE ISSN:1793-821X August 2010
Semantic Understanding of Image Content International Journal IJCSI Volume 8, Issue 3, no.2 May 2011
2. J. A. Ukirade Embedded System based Heart Monitoring Device National Conference DVVPCOE, Ahamadnagar Feb 2011